Beautifully Designed Low Cost High Quality stained
Driveways, Walkways, Patios, Pool Decks, Garage Floors
Exclusively Serving The Villages for 30 years
Well, first let me start off with saying, my name is Cliff Rider from Long Island, New York with northern work ethics I am now 60 .My mom was a Nurse and my dad is a Psychologist and I'm a painter. It all started about 40 years ago. My dad got me a job with a painter by the name, "Billy the Greek" on Long Island who had Talent beyond talent I worked for him for a few years doing interior & exterior painting on million dollar homes all over Long Island such as Leslie Modell's, owner of Modell's Sporting Goods & Million dollar homes all over Long Island , He taught me skill & talent as we’ll .
A short time after, my mom was caring for a patient who was terminal and he asked her if there was anything he could do for her for her kindness. She said "no thanks what I do is my job and comes from the heart". He asked if she had any children and when she replied yes ‘I have a son, who is a painter’, he asked "would he like to be in the union?" She thanked him for his offer and then told me the story. Of course I said yes. From that point on, I was a union painter until my mom and dad relocated to Florida when they were just 45 and I decided to move here also. I have been staining driveways for over ‘33’years. in the villages & have over 15,000 customers,,
I'm sure you will be happy working with me. Look around my website and as you can see my work also comes from the heart, as I was raised. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a phone consultation or an appointment for a free estimate contact me anytime at...
dcofctrlflainc@aol.com www.talkofthevillages.com click Home Improvements scroll down to my ad, read the reviews (: